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Opening hours

Opening hours of Estonian History Museum in 2025: 

April 2 - Sept 30: Tue - Sun 10 - 18
Oct 1 - March 31: Wed - Sun 10 - 18
Maarjamäe Palace park is opened every day from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Public holidays

    • - Closed on Public holidays  1. Jan, 18. April, 20. April, 8. June, 23. Jun, 24. Jun, 2.4 Dec, 25. Dec, 26. Dec.
    • - Open 10-15 on 22. Jun.

Free entrance

    • - 19 February - Birthday of the Estonian History Museum (free entrance to the Great Guild Hall, Maarjamäe Palace)
      - 22 March - Birthday of the Theatre and Music Museum (free entrance to the Theatre and Music Museum)
      - International Museum Day - 18 May - free entrance to all museums
      - 1. October - International Music Day (free entrance to the Theatre and Music Museum)
      - 4. October - Birthday of the Film Museum (free entrance to the Film Museum)

Maarjamäe Palace park

If you are interested in using the Maarjamäe Palace park aera for a gathering of 10+ people, please inform the museum at least 5 working days prior to the event taking place, via the e-mail address: The museum has the right to charge a rental fee for the use of the area, depending on the nature of the event.

Ticket info